Hey guys! I havent had a computer to use for the last month...but then figured out that the clubhouse at my appartments have two that are usually not occupied! Haha, talk about lame! I am seriously having the hardest time figuring out what to do for the fall..every option has its up's and downs. I miss arizona..the family..my car, my friends, the branch..monsoon's...school...I think daily I struggle with the thought that I can just move home this weekend no problem. I thought that I needed to stay here but the closer it gets to me moving out the weirder I feel about it. I dont know. Someone pray for me, I need it more then ever. Other then that, things arent bad, I was a part of a film that was going on today at APX my work. They were making a film for recruiting new sales reps and I was even shot all by myself! Me and my famous face!! Muhahahahaha! It's pretty cool I figured out that APX Alarms is all over the country so HUNDREDS will be stairing at me making a fool of myself! haha! Ok so I am going to put some new pictures in of Chantels graduation! Sorry it's taken so long Telly! I love you all and can't wait to see you guys!